Time to Look Up!

Welcome to Thirdroom, a Nordic platform for Universities, Startups; and Organisations.

Thirdroom breaks down silos, so you can solve real problems with real people.

Just Launched // Thirdroom.org

One platform for united Collaboration

The new platform thirdroom.org, for multi stakeholder collaboration, is gathering a network of serious collaborators across society. Build to enhance cross going collaboration.

Thirdroom.org bridges students, startups, researchers, corporates, NGOs and policymakers, kickstarting collaboration.

HelloScience // Novozymes

Real World Collaboration

The Open Innovation Platform, HelloScience at Novozymes, was build on the Thirdroom software and  service.

HelloScience bridged corporates, startups and NGOs, in order to create collaborative innovation around the SDGs.

Thirdroom // Roskilde University

A Living Library

The MVP Thirdroom Platform at Roskilde University made it intuitive to collaborate between Students, Researchers and Society. It helped structure and communicate their work, empowering peer to peer learning, open science and collaborative entrepreneurship.

The Team

If you win, we all win! Therefore our team – bridging art, technology and science – will do everything they can to empower your collaborative journey. 

"We truly see a brotherhood in Thirdroom's commitment to action. The HelloScience platform and the Thirdroom team have helped us tremendously in our development."


Alexander Løcke, Founder of 4Life Solutions (former SolarSack)

We are a software and collaborative matchmaking company

Right now we are actively collaborating with

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We would love to invite you for a virtual coffee.

Break the Silos